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Axitude is the term that represents the attitude of staying on axis, in other words, the behaviour that results from alignment. When our axis is stable, when we are aligned, we can create energy effortlessly.



We perceive reality through the "glasses" of our identity, our point of view. Our identity is mostly composed of our values and certain beliefs. These two elements of identity create thoughts and emotions that cause behaviour and therefore an outcome. Our reality is largely the result of our behaviours, in other words, our reality is directly linked to our identity.


Questioning our beliefs is a way of "cleaning our glasses" and thus keeping our identity updated.


As soon as we feel a sign of resistance such as stress, anxiety, fear or doubt, for example, we know we are not aligned. Negative emotions are alarms indicating that there are misalignments.


To exist we need to express ourselves freely. Our thoughts, emotions, words and actions are different ways of doing this. When we express ourselves, we project our identity. Every word, every behaviour, every emotion is a reflection of it. To dare to express ourselves in accordance with our identity, we need to have a good self-esteem.

Axitude in the individual

We are constantly making choices. To speed up this process, we have consciously or unconsciously set up a belief system. Updating this belief system is a necessary step on the way to alignment. This is how we verify that our decisions are freely made without being guided by society or our past as a kind of automatic pilot. We are then aware and willing of our belief system.


Alignment applied to human behaviour manifests itself as consistency between what we think, feel, say and do. Our thoughts, emotions, words and actions have brought us to our present. We can change our reality by understanding all the evolutionary opportunities it brings. Because the problem exists, a solution is sought and it is in this demand that the lever for change lies: the will to solve.

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Today, to understand the company, we must look at it as a living organism whose "optimal stress level" is the key to progress. In the same way as for an individual, the secret of good health lies in prevention, in the creation and maintenance of a balance where the word "disorder" has no place.

Axitude in the company

An organisation is a system, a set of elements that are in continuous interaction. They are co-dependent and feed back to each other. For an organisation to achieve maximum efficiency, its elements must be aligned, i.e. they must maintain a state of coherence that allows the absence of resistance. Another name for this peak of efficiency is "optimal stress level".


When a malfunction occurs in the system, the state of each of its elements must be checked in order to find the origin and thus develop the solution to the problem.  Presenteeism and absenteeism are to the company what depression or burnout are to the individual. As with any dysfunction, the earlier we detect it, the easier it will be to get rid of it. The aim is to avoid reaching a point of complicated retourn, to the loss of control, known in the language of the company as "turn over".

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Self-development has become indispensable in times like ours, based on autonomy and individual performance. Today we are frequently overwhelmed by external and self-inflicted demands. Psychosocial risks are on the rise.

Psychosocial risks

This increase is largely motivated by the characteristics of the working world. The increasing complexity of jobs, individualisation, customer demands, lack of downtime, tight deadlines...


The economic cost of psychosocial disorders is considerable: absenteeism, "turn-over", lower productivity, reduced creativity, etc. Far from being the most worrying consequence, the personal impact, which is difficult to measure, is a factor which can have dramatic consequences.

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Change is permanent in our lives and so we must learn not to be destabilised by uncertainty. When we take a step, one of our feet is balanced and we go through that moment of instability necessary to move forward.


The goal of this alignment work is to find the inner state that allows us to move through uncertainty without fear.


An aligned person has the necessary tools to avoid becoming a victim of psychosocial risks.

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Keep in touch

Lara Baldomir

Bordeaux, France

(+33) 06 66 25 28 04

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